Monday, March 19, 2018

Planting Seeds

As Spring approaches the children helped us to get a head start on planting seeds for in our garden. Our plan is to grow the seeds inside in our "greenhouse" until it is warm enough to plant them outside. The kids were very excited! We asked them, "What should we plant in our garden?" Their responses were: sunflower, roses, cucumber, green beans, peppers, tomatoes. The next step was to ask the children, "What do you know about plants?" They drew their response on a white board and shared it with the class.
We then got down to planting. The green house came with dirt pods. We needed to first add water to the pod to make it grow before we could put the seeds into the dirt. The children worked their fine motor skills by squeezing drops of water onto the pod with pipettes. 


Then we had to wait! All of the seeds were planted, labeled and closed up in the greenhouse. Here is how they grew!

Day 1

Day 3

Day 6